ZOO Zine is a journal of eclectic poetry, short stories and illustration, created to share established and amateurs work around Cornwall, the UK and the world.
Keep up to date with us on social media for details on submission deadlines.
Prose Submissions:
No more than 1000 words in length. Any theme or style. Short Stories and other forms of prose work welcomed.
Poetry Submissions:
No more than 50 lines in length. Any theme or style, though preference given to the most surreal, experimental, grimy, realist or lyrical work.
Illustration Submissions:
Black and White only. To fit on one side of A6 paper. Any theme or style.
*We accept a maximum of 2 submissions of any type per person*
Submission Process:
Please submit all written work, prose or poetry, in size 12 Garamond font (when possible), written on a Mircosoft Word Document. Attach your submission(s) to an email titled with your name and the title(s) of your piece(s) - e.g. "Joe Bloggs: 'Supermarket in Croydon' and 'Chipped Tiles'".
Submissions will be sent to '[email protected]'.
Sea Post Press reserves the right to use sections (but never the whole piece) of your work in social media promotion. We count your submitting as permission to publish your work within one issue of ZooZine and any reprints of that specific issue. Otherwise the right to re-publish your work elsewhere is yours, and we will always request permission if we want to use your work elsewhere. We DO NOT, however, accept submissions to ZooZine that have already been published in print or online.